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We are passionate about nutritious, healthy food in Early Years

Our promise to you as parents, is to provide delicious, healthy, nutritious, balanced meals that your children will love. Our well researched menu provides a variety of meals that will educate the children in new flavours and different cultures and of course it will always include some family favourites. Each meal ensures that your child receives the very best nutrition for their growth and development.

Every meal is cooked on-site, with love, by our qualified in house chef, because we love to see your children thrive. We are dedicated to working with parents to give their children the best possible nutritional start in life. What your child eats at nursery can equate to 90% of their daily calorie intake. Therefore what we serve matters.

Our menu is on a three week rolling rota over 16 days, this ensures that the dishes evenly rotate giving children the chance to experience all the dishes regardless of which days they attend.