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Olive & Feta Hummus

Olive and Feta Hummus

This lower-fat version of hummus is ideal for growing children. It’s packed with protein, fibre and good fats. Unlike traditional hummus, I omit the tahini (sesame paste) to avoid the high risk of allergic reaction and leave out the lemon as the children seem to find it too bitter otherwise.

2 tins of chickpeas
1 tablespoon garlic puree
100g feta or a dairy-free alternative
100g pitted black olives
2 tablespoons olive oil
Pinch of black pepper
A little cold water as required

Drain and rinse the chickpeas and olives thoroughly. Break up the cheese. Add all the ingredients to a food processor.
Blend gently at first. The mixture will require water adding to it to get the correct consistency. Start with a few glugs.
As it blends increase the speed until the mixture is smooth and creamy.

Our little ones love dipping breadsticks or pittas in it.